> Is this correct? What should the URL be? I have not been able to find
> any doco on this (I am probably looking in the
> wrong place.

Your URL should look something like "ormi://host:port/appname". In our
case, it is "ormi://localhost/appname".

> The error I get when running this is,
> javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource
> not found
> Does anyone know how I should fix this. The purpose of me asking this is

You will need to create this file in order to run your client. The
documentation for this file is on Orion's website. This is what defines
the references that your client will attempt to access. If I understand
it correctly, it maps the bean references you will access via your
InitialContext into the classes that implement them.


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