Joseph B. Ottinger wrote:

> This has virtually nothing to do with Orion.
> However, you can do this in a LOT of ways: "Save As" from your browser,
> you can use various mirroring tools, you could even use a URLConnection
> from* and use one of the classes to write it to your
> local filesystem... as well as a thousand other ways.
> On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, cgreen wrote:
>> Hi,all:
>>    I want to read a internet page(e: and put the page to 
>a file(e: c:/temp.txt).
>>    How to do ?
>> Thanks very much!
>> cgreen
Actually I'd suggest putting the file to /dev/null...

Joseph! Great work on the Orion Support site btw. I really think people 
need help with user authentication
on orionsupport.

Here's some stuff for DataSourceUserManager, haven't got much time 
tonight - hope there aren't any mistakes:

Lets say we want to protect the resource '/members' (lets say its a 
servlet) in your web application, we need a security constraint in web.xml:

<!-- first define the resource to protect, specify url name and 
description -->
                       <description>member protected area</description>
<!-- next  define authorizaton for the resource - role and description -->
                       <description>some descrption</description>

So now '/members' is only authorized to people with a 'user' role.
Next we make people log-in once they hit our members resource;
use BASIC auth until it's working (again in web.xml):


Now, In application.xml/web.xml we declare our needed security role of 
user, do:

               <description>User role in this application</description>

That's the J2EE generic side out of the way (dont try anything fancy 
like role-links or form auth until basics are working).
In orion-application.xml, under application-deployments, you create a 
link from the J2EE role to orion specific user group/groups:

       <security-role-mapping name="user">
               <group name="niceguys" />

Now anyone that logs in and is found to be in the "niceguys" group will 
be assigned a role of user and can
access "/members". Finally we have a declaration for 
orion-application.xml to authenticate people using
the DataSourceUserManager:

<!-- point at the DB User Manager -->
       <user-manager class="com.evermind.sql.DataSourceUserManager">

<!-- The user manager will get check logins against the 'user' table -->
               <property name="table" value="user" />
<!-- Use the hypersonic datasource to access it for example -->
               <property name="dataSource" value="jdbc/HypersonicDS" />
<!-- our username within the 'user' table (j_username for form auth) -->
               <property name="usernameField" value="username" />
<!-- the password within the 'user' table (j_password for form auth) -->
               <property name="passwordField" value="password" />
<!-- if there is a table with roles per username, state it here - in 
this case usergroups -->
               <property name="groupMembershipTableName" 
value="usergroups" />
<!-- the username field in the usergroups table is user_name for eg.-->
                <property name="groupMembershipUsernameFieldName" 
<!-- the group belonged to is in field user_group we want our username 
to be pulling niceguys from this field -->
               <property name="groupMembershipGroupFieldName" 
value="user_group" />
<!-- I'd like all authenticated users to be in the group everybody, can 
add more by separating with commas -->
               <property name="defaultGroups" value="everybody" />
Create the tables and set stuff up:

create table user (username varchar not null primary key, password varchar)
create table usergroups (user_name varchar not null, user_group varchar 
not null)

insert into user values ('Linus','Penguin')
insert into usergroups values ('Linus','niceguys')

Now on booting up Orion, Linus should be able to access '/members' by 
logging in.
Bit wordy and I hope it works (I've lokked over it a couple of times), 
but rather then just tell everyone to re-read the api's, lets
get something up.


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