Hi all!
I am trying to create a finder that takes an other entity as an argument.
Something like:

public Collection findByProject(Project project) throws RemoteException,

Now how do I modify the <finder-method query="???" partial="false" > to
accomplish this?
My impression is that it is not possible. 
Ok so what do I have to do? Write a finder like this instead?

public Collection findByProject(long projID) throws RemoteException,

and create a <finder-method> like this:

select ... ... from project,person where project.project_id=$1 and ...

Gahhh! Ugly! I now have to keep track of table names and data types! What is
Container managed persistence anyways? Persistence yes! but finders... No!

Is there any way to do this the nice way? Pleases say yes! Anybody?


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