
I just wanted to share my thoughts regarding Orion to you all.

I am still a newbie with Orion Server.  After reading thro' the
documentation, looking for information here & there, I have found the
following to be useful for "Orion Freshers" who want to kickstart their
application development.

Directory Structure for a new J2EE application

$ORION\<application>\                         - Application root
$ORION\<application>\META-INF\application.xml - Descriptor for Application
$ORION\<application>\ejb\                     - Root dir for EJB's
$ORION\<application>\ejb\META-INF\ejb-jar.xml - Descriptor for EJB's
$ORION\<application>\web\                     - Root dir for Web contents
$ORION\<application>\web\WEB-INF\web.xml      - Descriptor for Web contents
$ORION\<application>\web\WEB-INF\classes\     - Servlet dir
$ORION\<application>\web\WEB-INF\lib\         - lib dir

where $ORION is the home directory for Orion.





        <ejb-ref-name>ejb/<EJB Name></ejb-ref-name>
        <home><Home Name></home>
        <remote><Remote Name></remote>

Remember to add the following
<application name="<application>" path="../<application>" /> in
<web-app application="<application>" name="web" root="/<application>" /> in

Now start orion and just point http://<servername>[:port]/<application>

That's it.

For combining everything into an .ear file, it's as simple as changing
<ejb>ejb</ejb> to <ejb>ejb.jar</ejb> and <web-uri>web</web-uri> to
<web-uri>web.war</web-uri> in $ORION\<application>\META-INF\application.xml

Is there any other better method.  If yes, please do let me know.  In the
meantime, I will start digging up Orion.  Also I wanted to know where to
place my tag libraries, assuming I am following the above directory

With regards

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