Actually JHTML is still alive in some app servers, most notably Art &
Technology's Dynamo product. This app server offers some nifty extensions
to JHTML that make it much easier to separate the presentation layer from
the actual code than in JSPs.

However, you are right that ther is not much future in JHTML and that is
why I am migrating as we speak a lot of ATG/JHTML code to JSPs. This is not
very easy though and I still miss a lot of the features I have learned to
like in ATG's Dynamo. Custom tags make it easier though to migrate from one
technology to the other.

Huibert Aalbers

"Scott M. Stirling" wrote:

> I believe JHTML is one of the names for old JSP-like stuff prior to the
> standardization of the first JSP spec.  I think Weblogic and Sun's JWS
> used to support it.  Like classical Latin, it's a dead language.
> On 27 Dec 2000 10:33:36 +0530, Santosh Kumar wrote:
> What is the difference between JHTML and JSP?
> --
> Scott Stirling
> West Newton, MA

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