I experienced this same message when I first deployed on PostgreSQL
(7.0.3).  Seems to have otherwise produced no ill effects (so far).

Is anyone here actually *enjoying* PostgreSQL?  I've been developing
with Win2K and Hypersonic and just set up my production box, which is
Linux and PostgreSQL.  I am not favorably impressed so far.


PostgreSQL's idea of a timestamp is really quite a muddle.  I
experienced the awful "Bad Timestamp Format" exception right away.
Apparently the server returns any of five zillion different timestamp
formats (as text) to the JDBC driver, depending on your timezone and
what color shoes you were wearing when you installed the system.  What's
most amusing is that it's obvious from reading the postgresql mailing
list archives that *nobody* who is working on the JDBC driver knows that
the actual formats are.  Neither the stock 7.0.3 driver nor what's
currently in CVS can handle my timezone - and I'm in California, along
with the people in Berkeley who wrote PostgreSQL in the first place!
The source wasn't hard to fix - but there are messages about this
problem in the archives dating back over a year.  Grrrrr.

Second target:  There is a special place in hell reserved for the people
who created X-Windows, and it is my sincerest hope that the people at
Sun responsible for the implementation of AWT get a cell next door.  The
fact that I can't create a buffered image and draw on it *without*
establishing a connection to a native X peer is rediculous.  My server
box is headless, and none too overfull with RAM, so a full X
installation (and all the display authorization headaches) is out of the

Lo and behold, I'm not the only person dynamically generating images
from servlets, so there is the Xvfb - X virtual frame buffer.
Unfortunately it does a crappy job of drawing fonts (at least compared
to Windows; I never did get screen authorization working with a normal X
server).  Is anyone else using Xvfb with satisfaction?  I would love to
know the magic trick for getting fonts to look like they weren't
captured from VHS tape.

There is also an AWT replacement called Pure Java AWT from
www.eteks.com, but I'm scared of it.  That their website is in French
only amplifies my terror.  Has anyone succesfully used it with JDK1.3?



I feel better now.  At least, I feel better pretending that I felt
better now.

Jeff Schnitzer

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 3:08 PM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: EJB Error Message in Orion Log File
>When deploying an ejb application and tables need to be created, no
>matter which tutorial I follow I seem to get this error included within
>the logs first time.
>Auto-deploying helios-ejb (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the
>previous deployment)... SQL error: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or
>near ")"
>From what I can see, everything else seems to be running fine. 
>The table
>is created in the DB and there are rows being populated in the 
>tables as
>Server specific information is:
>Orion v1.4.4
>PostgreSQL 7.0.2
>Linux 2.2.17
>IBM JDK 1.3.0
>If there is any more information required please email me. Thanks for
>your help.

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