yap, check out orion-ejb-jar.xml
In either CMP or BMP entitys you can modify deployment settings at any time

with CMP you can even modify the field mapping scheme

BUT, i think in another of the orion*.xml (i think orion-application.xml)
you may specify the datasources PRIOR
to deployment (thus the table creation command will be issued to the correct



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael S. Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Jueves, 04 de Enero de 2001 19:43
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Accessing multiple databases in the same application

I know how to set up datasources.  And I know how to set the default
datasource in the orion-application.xml.  But what if I want one application
to access data in multiple databases?  Is there some way to specify that
certain entity beans use one datasource while other entity beans use


 Michael S. Kelly                           ____       _
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