Title: SV: Application Client startup synchronization

is this a test app? i.e. not confidential code?
If so, could you please include it for replication of error?

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat: den 9 januari 2001 06:18
> Till: Orion-Interest
> Ämne: Application Client startup synchronization
> After playing for a few hours, I figured out how to have an
> Application
> Client class start up with the server .. but it seems that
> the server fires
> off the client before it has finished starting itself up!
> Anyone deal with
> this yet? Is there a safe way to detect from the client when
> the server is
> done starting up?
> john d

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