Maybe a bit late, but I guess using custom finder queries in the home interface could 
be an option as well.

I'm using custom finders for candidate keys defined in the home interfaces of the 
beans. That gives direct access to
sql without using session beans. I assume that leaves out the overhead of creating all 
the extra beans in the container,
where it gives you all the necessary flexibility.

Further more from a design perspective: It can become tricky to cache data all over 
the place. What you sort of did
in the ejbLoad code.


On Monday, January 15, 2001 11:33 AM, Tim Squires [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Thanks Jay,
> What I've done to bypass the problem for now is to implement the many to
> many mapping in JSP.  Yep you read right, JSP:
> and example snip to find all devices associated with Nokia would be:
> <mywds:organisation description="Nokia">
>   <mywds:results name="organisation">
>     <mywds:organisation_device organisationId=<jsp:getProperty
> name="organisation" value="id">>
>       <mywds:results name="organisation_device">
>         <mywds:device id=<jsp:getProperty name="organisation_deivce"
> value="device_id">>
>           <mywds:success>
>             <select name="device_id">
>           </mywds:success>
>           <mywds:results name="device">
>             <option value=<jsp:getProperty name="device"
> value="id">><jsp:getProperty name="device" value="name">
>           </mywds:results>
>           <mywds:success>
>             </select>
>           </mywds:success>
>         </mywds:device>
>       </mywds:results>
>     </mywds:organisation_device>
>   </mywds:results>
> </mywds:organisation>
> This means that when the tags find entities, then they are loaded, not
> before and it saves on startup time and memory space.  Probably not the best
> way of doing it but it works, it's pretty fast and I don't have to copy and
> paste so much between beans!
> Two problems: one the JSP pages are getting a bit big, two the JSP
> programmers take a little longer to understand the theory.
> Thanks again and please post again if you have any more ideas,
> Tim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 12 January 2001 14:46
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: mapping of existing m2m tables
> Hi Tim,
> Sounds like you've implemented this with Entity EJBs.  I could be wrong,
> but most J2EE platform products (WebLogic, Orion, etc) implement Entity EJb
> containers so that there is an instance of a given Entity bean for every
> existing row in your table -- for large databases, this means that you need
> to have lots of memory to hold all of these instances, and the time to
> create all of these instances can be awfully long (not to mention the
> overhead of managing all of these after they are loaded).  EJB container
> products may implement Entity EJB management in different ways to mitigate
> this problem, but it's still a problem.
> Instead of using Entity EJBs, many (most?) applications with large
> databases use Session EJBs which can query databases through one or more
> methods.  Basically, Session EJBs issue queries against a database, while
> Entity EJBs have to represent every row.  Unlike Entity EJBs, Session EJBs
> do not have a primary key and they do not need to create an instance for
> every row in the actual table or view.
> Someday, when we have bazillion-byte memory in our handhelds, etc, the
> Entity EJB memory and loading issue should not be a design factor.
> Hope this helps.  Anyone else have thoughts on this?
> Jay Armstrong
> At 01:14 PM 1/11/01 -0000, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Probably been asked before but I can't find it in archives.
> >
> >I have a legacy database with over 80 tables, most of them represent many
> to
> >many relationships (M:N) just with 2 or 3 foreign keys.  I'm building a EJB
> >layer on top and the initial load is proving to be a bit slow.
> >
> >An example of software and manufacturer, I want to store all manufacturers
> >of the current software....
> >software setEntityContext method:
> > retrieve the home interfaces for software_manufacturer and manufacturer
> >beans.
> >
> >ejbLoad method:
> >1. run findBySoftware_Id on software_manufacturer bean, which returns a
> >collection of software_id/manufacturer_id
> >2. Iterate through collection.
> >     - On the manufacturer bean use findByPrimaryKey with manufacturer_id
> >from step 1
> >     - add to local collection
> >
> >This method is great if there are one or two beans but we have thousands
> and
> >it takes ages to start up.
> >
> >I have changed all 1:M relationships to the object relationship methods
> >detailed on the orionsupport site and it knocked minutes off the startup
> >time.  If I can do the same with M:N it would be great.
> >
> >Ideas would be appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks for your time,
> >Tim.
> >
> >Tim Squires
> >Wireless Data Services
> >----------------------------------------
> >It's not what you know, it's who you tell.
> >
> >

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