At 03:37 18.01.2001 , you wrote:

>    If any body know how to use objectivity database with orionserver to
>    craete Entity Bean(EJB)First thing is orion support objectivity
>    how can i make useof this i am trying to create an entity bean(BMP)
>    managed persistance. if anybody having idea let me know.

no it doesn't directly support it. the problem is that for entity beans 
you'll nee container-managed transactions and that won't work with anything 
but a jdbc datasource so IMHO the only thing you can do is use objectivity 
from a Session Bean und do the transaction demarcation yourself.




>Thanks in Advance
>   Cheers,
>           -:)
>Ampersand Info-Tech, GF,Admin Block NSIC-TSC, Okhla Ind.Estate,
>New Delhi 110020, INDIA.
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