
the Orion distribution contains a small example application (news). A news 
item is modeled by an CMP entity bean with remote interface NewsItem and EJB 
class NewsItemEJB. News items can be ordered hierarchically, i.e. a news item 
can have a parent. The code looks like this:

  public class NewsItemEJB {
    public NewsItem parent;
    public String text;

    public NewsItem getParent() {
      return parent;
As you see, it has a CMP field 'parent' of type NewsItem (which is the remote 
interface of the bean itself)...

How does this work?

Since there is a method 'getParent()', it seems like the container, after 
retrieving a news item from the database, goes on and fetches also the parent 
record, placing a reference to its remote interface in the sub-record... this 
may even continue if the hierarchy is deeper

Any insights?


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