after deployment, orion-XXXXX.xml files are auto-generated. These have all
the server dependant deploy settings.
The default DS for CMP is the first found in orion\config\data-sources.xml.
These settings (which you may edit manually, or
, if we had an interactive deploy tool, set at deploy time) should resist
re-deployments whenever possible.

It's possible to change the datasource used for each and every entity in the
proper orion-ejb-jar.xml. It's perfectly possible to have each entity in
your system in a different datasource (at least, in my EJB 1.1 experience it



-----Original Message-----
From: Globetrot Communications [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sábado, 20 de Enero de 2001 13:34
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Error reading client-descriptor.. - Problem Solved

After I changed the url to jdbc:postgresql:testdb
(Thanks, Mike), I noticed that JNDI was still looking
for jdbc/HypersonicDS! I had, initially, installed
this application using Hypersonic database.

The problem was, finally, solved after I undeployed
the "Product" application by deleting it's deployment

I am still curious as to why the installation kept
looking for a JNDI binding for an older deployment.
Shouldn't these bindings go away after the application
server has been stopped?

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