sorry about previous partial post ...

I'm running 1.4.4 on Windoze 2000, and have an app composed of 2 ejb
modules, 1 web module and 1 application client. In my development
environment, everything deploys, the client app starts, finds it's jms
services, and everything starts and runs. When I export everything to the
filesystem (from VAJ) and try and run the system, it deploys .. but when the
app client starts it falls over with:

javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource not
(JAX, Compiled Code)
        at java.lang.Exception.<init>(, Compiled Code)
        at javax.naming.NamingException.<init>(,
Compiled Code)
(JAX, Compiled Code)

when the client tries to get to the jms resources. I've tried adding
resource-ref elements to application-client.xml like:


but that dosn't seem to help. I'm sort of confused at this point, and
looking through the mail list yields similar, but different, problems ..
whose solutions don't seem to apply here.

Any ideas?

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