I hope that someone on here can give me some hints to fix a strange problem 
I'm having.

I'm developing a small application and trying, obviously, to reuse as much 
code as I can. Most of the code is used by both a StandAlone application 
(executed from the console vith just java) and some jsp pages with tag 

When I execute the application, I don't have any problem in the creation of 
the Session bean... I can use, update my entity beans and I can see the 
changes in the database (Postgres). The same code, unfortunately, fails in 
the PortableRemoteObject when it is used from a jsp page through my tag 
libraries... I cannot even get to the "home.create()".

What it is strange is that I've recently developed a prototype using Orion 
1.3.8, that was very rudimental, but I haven't had a problem like this one. 
In this case I'm using 1.4.5., now...

Can anyone help me or giving me some hints ?

         Thank you very much

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati
http://www.kazuma.net/   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

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