Is your agruement RMI-IIOP valid?


Ismael Blesa Part wrote:

> We have developed a web application that works fine under OrionServer.
> It has JSP, JavaBeans and Taglibs.
> Now we are testing with Bea Weblogic and there are some strange errors
> thrown by the server.
> It complains about (java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
> com/test/logic/integration/connectors/BeanConnector, method: connect
> signature:
> com/test/logic/MyData;Lcom/test/logic/Environment;Ljava/lang/String;)V)
> Incompatible object argument for function call)
> It is a very strange error, I have compiled all my code with javac
> (1.3.0_01) and also with jikes last version. I have changed also bea
> weblogic to point jdk to my installed jdk.
> The best of all this strange error is that this method is not called.
> ie: looking on the print messages I have put on the code, execution
> stops before the invocation of this method. I think that this error
> comes when the java virtual machine tries to load this class.
> Anybody has any idea about what is causing this error to appear?
> Regards,

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