I am hoping I am addressing this question to the right Crowd !!


Here is a quick one for you:

Can I do callbacks with Orion Server ??

Well here is my scenario:

I want to have an applet that invokes a session bean, in the AppServer.
Subsequently, after some logic is performed , I want to send a
notification back to the applet (client). I know this is doable in RMI
and CORBA , because I did this scenario with both technologies. I do not
know however if this can be done with EJBs. I guess this is a two edged
sword: on the one hand I don't know if the EJB1.1. spec allows for
callbacks to begin with,(in CORBA the IDL allows for definition of
"oneway objects" which implemented translate into callable client
objects) and on the other hand, if the spec does not support this
scenario, does the EJB container have any complaints about keeping a
UnicastRemoteObject (if you can do RMI from within the AppServer).

I would greatly appreciate any help or hints in this matter.

Thank you all kindly.

Bruno Baloi

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