This is a very general HTTP/browser question that you might get a quicker answer
to from a more target newsgroup, such as comp.infosystems.www.browsers, or one
related to HTTP. However, if someone on this list has the answer, I know I sure
would like to hear it. I wonder if have a servlet field the requests for images,
so that it can set the proper header lines, would be enough? I don't know if
browsers honor those headers when they are downloading images.


> Hi,
> We have a J2EE application developed with JSP,EJB and SQL server 2000 with
> Orion Server.We want to cache all our jsp page  for a particular time on a
> caching server.With HTTP Headers this is perfectly working but the  images
> on the page it never Time out. I would like to know if there is a way to set
> cache time out for images in Orion or JSP
> Can any body help.
> Regards
> Rajeev

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