My JSPs return XML which is transformed using XSL. When Orion locates syntax
errors or encounters Exceptions it produces som HTML which contains the
error message AND some HTML markup which presents the error message.
This Orion markup happens to contain standalone <br> tags. In case of an
exception it looks like this:

<br>    at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
<br>    at
<br>    at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
<br>    at
<br>    at

As everybody knows, using standalone <br> tags compromises XML syntax - XML
would expect either <br/> or <br></br>.
Unfortunately this forces you to follow this debugging process:

1. Remove the lines in the JSP which links it to the stylesheet:
     <?xml version = "1.0"?>
     <?xml-stylesheet href = "/tool.xsl"?>
2. Rebuild the web application
3. Have Orion deploy the new build
4. Invoke the JSP and read the error
5. Correct the error in the JSP
6. Rebuild and redeploy
7. Check the error was corrected
8. Reinsert the line in the JSP which links it to the stylesheet.

A rather long way to go, I think. This raises the question of whether this
could be made easier. I have a feeling, I am not the only developer using
XML, so maybe it would be a great idea if Orion Server presented Exceptions
using tags which are valid in both HTML and XML. If the <br> tag was
replaced with <br></br>, errors would be visible in  both HTML and XML
results. Moreover, if the whole error was enclosed in a valid XML tag you
can have your XSL deliver the error as output. For instance

<p id = "OrionError">
<br></br>       at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
<br></br>       at
<br></br>       at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
<br></br>       at
<br></br>       at

This is valid HTML and one can easily write XSL which checks for the
occurance of this error and produces a result which can be seen in the
output to the browser. This is just one quick idea of how to accomplish both
valid HTML and valid XML - there are probably many other ways to accomplish
this aswell.

Of course, there might be a good reason why things are the way they are, but
any comments to these thoughts would be welcomed. And should anyone at
Ironflare have the time to comment on this too, I would be very grateful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 2. februar 2001 11:32
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Source XML Error: Expected "</br>" to terminate element
starting on line 51.

Occasionally I get a strange result when there are syntax errors in my JSPs.
If I have a JSP that works fine I can make Orion return a weird result by
introducing a line like the following into the JSP:

<% rubishrubishrubish %>

I would expect Orion to compile the JSP and give me back a syntax error
somewhere. Instead I get the following in my browser when I invoke the JSP:

Source XML Error: Expected "</br>" to terminate element starting on line 51.

I know this sounds weird - that is exactly why I am asking: Has this occured
to anyone else on the list? - Do you know why this happens?

In hopes it is not my inner CPU which has some kind of bug...


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