For some reason the VM in JBuilder 3.5 looks in the class output directory
for META-INF/application-client.xml.  Two questions about this:

1. Is there a way to specify where this will be loaded from?  Since all of
our applications output to the same Classes directory, there's only one
application-client.xml.  It isn't working because not all of the EJB apps
are serving the same EJBs.  When the InitialContext() is created it's
failing for EJB references to other apps.

2. If there isn't a way to tell the context factory in the client where to
load this from, is there a way to have one context look at multiple apps?
Then at least the unused references wouldn't throw NamingExceptions.

Eric Hodges,  Chief Technology Officer
Mongoose Technology, Inc.
"We chase cobras so you don't have to."

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