> Hi!
Hi people aroud the world!!!

I've found info about what I need to run Orion EJB 2.0 sample with Interbase inside 
our Orion-list.

But for now, I'm having following trouble: primary keys, in Interbase, allow only 254 
bytes in length. If I configure my datasource to use Interbase, and set 
schema="interbase.xml", and then mapping Strings to VARCHAR(255), I get errors in 
deployment time (primary key too long, or something like this). To turn things bad, I 
want to use all Interbase power, and map Strings to VARCHAR(8000)... How can I 
configure my primary-keys to use a max of varchar(30), or something like this? And, 
how I define the datasource that shold be used for deployment (not after deployment)?

See, I need to configure inside ejb-jar.xml file the datatype of my cmp-field (not in 
orion-ejb-jar.xml, because when Orion create orion-ejb-jar.xml tables are created too 
- so my database will be incorrect -> of course, I'll get app not deployed, because 
interbase will refuse the primary key with more than 254 bytes).

Anyone know how to do this???


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