Hello all,

I am having problems with the CGI handling functionality of orion, when
trying to include a site search (webinator from Thunderstone).

The problem is as follows:-

To get to the site search screen, you have to enter the url:

The above is a virtual path comprised of 2 parts ".../texis.cgi" is the cgi
program and "/webinator/search" is a parameter which is the path to the
search script relative to the web root.

I have the following tags in the global-web-application.xml document:


When the url http://www.mysite.com/texis.cgi is entered, the cgi program is
run correctly.

However when the remainder of the url is added (/webinator/search/), the
HTTP 404 - File not found message is produced. This is as if the cgi program
is not being detected.

Have I got a tag or something missing from the XML document, or is there a
problem with the CGIServlet?

If I try this under another web server, it works fine.

If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated
Many thanks

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