If you ask me, these guys are dodgy merchants.

Their product seems to be just Jetspeed (free - http://java.apache.org)
running on a pre built app server / database (hsql - ha!) combination
(either Apache Tomcat for the 'free' version, or Orion for the 'pro'

Their demo doesn't work at all, the download seems to be broken or just not
present (Jahia!) and the site is just packed full of meaningless marketing
mumbo jumbo.

Mmhmm, "good taste" my ass.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
> Randy-W18971
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 7:37 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Orion and openjoda
> If you look at openjoda at www.x03.com, they have a product
> called openjoda, which is integrated with Tomcat
> (apache.tomcat.org) and jboss(www.jboss.org).  If you view their
> joda pro, they are integrating with Orion, as the link at
> http://products.mycomponents.com/projoda.jsp;jsessionid=DGOLNCBBGH
> MB demonstrates.  If you ask me, these guys have good taste.

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