Hey there,

I am trying to get my application to auto-reload so that when I modify a
class file, it reloads the app. The problem I am having is stayin "logged
in" to my site. Supposedly any HttpSession objects should be serialized in
some manner. When I reload the app (by touching application.xml), the
HttpSession objects disappear, thus I have to relog in again and again. Is
this a bug with Orion? I am implementing Serializable, but I do NOT have the
serialVersionUID thing in every one of my classes. Infact, on one JSP page,
I actually store a String in the HttpSession. That object, and one other
object are the only two that exist. Must I implement serailVersionUID for
this to work in EVERY class (and super class of classes) that are going to
be in the HTtpSession for reloading of web-apps to keep them in memory to


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