I have the feeling that I'm missing something very obvious, but I've been
running into a problem with getReader().  If I set the contentType of the
response to "text/xml", then the problem occurs.  If I don't mess with it,
everything works okay.  I can't figure out why setting something in the
response is messing up the request!

Anyway, as Orion seems to figure out the MIME type of my response okay
without me setting it, this is not as drastic a problem as I thought.
Nevertheless, I'm very curious as to what I'm doing wrong with this
sequence... If anyone could shed on light on it, I'd be much obliged!

// code snippet

public void service( ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res )
        Reader r = req.getReader();
        res.setContentType( "text/xml" );
    catch( Exception e )

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