   I think that Orion ( and Resin ( both provide 
bench marks on their web sites that show jrun as slower in the JSP engines then either 
product, and Orion benchmarks put their JSP engine on par with Resin.  Certainly, the 
documentation for Jrun is excellent and you can download and play with it free as a 
developer (the same is true with Orion).  If you add an EJB capacity to Jrun, the 
price is around $5000, which is still far less then the $30-$50 K price tags of some 
commercial servers. You really should play with both products and bench mark them 
yourself, to see how they handle identical applications under stress conditions and 
how you like developing with the products.

-----Original Message-----
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: 2/13/01 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: How good is it?

How about orion vs. jrun? Is jrun easier to set up and deploy apps.
with? Is it slower than Orion, how about how buggy it is?

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