I'm not sure the same lessons apply; while still a small company by BEA
standards, Unify has a lot of mouths to feed.  Other than 1999, it looks
like all of their years have been unprofitable, and 2000 was
dramatically so.  They've been financing this with equity issues, but at
the current valuation, that tap is now off.  If they don't get enough
sales volume to offset the dramatically decreased price and then some,
it's going to get ugly.  It's hard to tell when because I can't seem to
find any information more recent than statements for the year ending
April 2000.  They lost $7 million in the year ending 2000, but their
balance sheet was still $10 million on the positive side.  There is
still hope.
I doubt Ironflare/Orion has anything near the $2 million/month burn rate
that Unify does.  I'm speculating it's something like 1/50th that (or
less).  You don't need to sell too many licenses to keep the company
going; there is something to be said for growing a company slowly rather
than explosively.  Unfortunately one of those things is *not* that it
rapidly produces the documentation and tech support everyone would
Of course, I'm not an expert, so don't take any of this as investment
advice :-)
Amusing chart, not atypical for a loss-leading tech company:
This makes for entertaining reading, as such things go:

-----Original Message-----
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: How to deploy?

The step by step documentation should be in the Orion documentation, but
it is not.
  Orion: here is a riddle for you.
            If you put an injured bull in a ring, and someone is trying
to tease him, what would happen?
            What does this riddle mean?  If a company like Unify is
having financial troubles, slashes prices on their product, have only
two products to market, and it is do or die for them, will they fight
like the injured bull or take a nap?  Are you guys at Orion takes some
notes?  There will be a quiz in the near future.  

-----Original Message-----
From: catjava [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:02 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: How to deploy?

Thanks,But i want a step by step setup document,who can help me?

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