>I'm trying to use CMP for beans that map to tables in which the primary key
>is an integer that comes from an Oracle SEQUENCE.
>How do I get the container to get the next number from the appropriate
>SEQUENCE on a create?

You could build a Session Bean that will take care of connecting directly 
to the database and get the "next number" from the given sequence.

If you want, I'll suggest you to take a look to a very interesting thread 
present on www.theserverside.com, regarding a session bean generating 
unique values for PrimaryKeys. It's worth a read.

         Hope this helps...
         Best regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati
http://www.kazuma.net/   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

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