In following the discussions from the person working with Iplanet, I understand that 
you could have a hardware solution with multiple Orion servers.  Did I understand that 
correctly?  Let me pose a hypothetical question:
  Suppose a company the size of Sears, picked Orion and Gemstone as the solutions to 
run their e-business, and the site would have a magnitude of traffic.  The Gemstone 
respondent mentioned that VM's max out at 100-200 concurrent users, and that Gemstone 
would start or use another VM.  Could a solution be found with hardware and Orion, 
that would equal the Gemstone solution, should money be no object?  If so, then what 
would it be and how would you configure it (high level)?  Out of curiosity, what would 
be the more cost effective solution?  

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