
I have a problem with the Orion Primer CMP example.
It does run and all that, but when a click on the 'Open the adressbook' link
in the first jsp, then i get the next error:

        Caught "com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException" while
attempting to find all AddressBook entries.
        com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Database error: Table
not found: ADDRESSBOOK_EJB_ADDRESSENTRY in statement [select
addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry.name, addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry.address,
addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry.city from addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry]; nested
exception is: java.sql.SQLException: Table not found:
addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry.name, addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry.address,
addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry.city from addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry]

I guess the problem is the ADDRESSBOOK_EJB_ADDRESSENTRY taqble does not
I presume this taqble has to be automatically created somehow.
Anybody any idea why this hasn't happened?
I do have the correct database directory in the ORION dir and orion also
the defaultdb as mentioned in the data-sources.xml

Or should I create the table myself?

Any help is welcome,


Valentijn Scholten

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