When I give the command "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:90 admin
mypassword -restart" I get the error message:

Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: Caught EOFException while reading the stream
header; nested exception is: 
        java.io.StreamCorruptedException: Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header

Here's some background of my fresh installation:

I've installed Orion 1.4.5 on RedHat Linux 6.2 that has j2sdkee-1_2_1 and
jdk1.2.2 installed on it.

I followed the instructions in Installation Guide and unpacked Orion to
/usr/src/orion as root. 

I ran the command "java -jar orion.jar -install" which asked for an admin
password. I gave it a one.

I started Orion with "java -jar orion.jar".

I tried and I can access the server with my web browser.

What's wrong, why won't my Orion restart? 


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