At 13:33 21.02.2001 , you wrote:

>This is why the session-bean-wrapping-entity-bean pattern
>is so popular.  Do not implement business logic inside your
>entity bean.  Instead, have your client perform operations
>to the data via a session bean.  The session bean can test
>for valid data, constraints, etc. before updating the entity.

I disagree. the validation he's talking about will be fine in an entity 
bean. Don't see any reason for putting that in a session bean (see earlier 

>The consequence of this is that entity beans have become
>so thin, that JDO is becoming a popular (light-weight)

Have you read the JDO spec? I personally find parts of it rather ugly, 
especially the query part. If some issues are clarified in the CMP2.0 spec 
I would prefer take that in an EJB environment. Apart from that the JDO 
spec seems to be moving on rather slowly, despite the recent draft but of 
course YMMV.



>alternative to entity beans.  Sun is examining JDO in a JSR,
>but I don't suspect they'll kill off one of their children
>in the process.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Randahl Fink Isaksen 
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 11:46 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Cc: Jens Peter Grosen; Simon Anker Christiansen; Kim Jørgensen
> > Subject: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a
> > feature or a
> > bug?
> >
> >
> > I have been reading the CMP 2.0 specification and I think it is simply
> > great! Still, I am a bit surprised that the bean developer
> > has no control
> > over what happens when a field is set. Imagine an
> > AccountBean, for instance:
> >
> > public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
> >       //implemented by the persistence manager
> >       public abstract Float getBalance();
> >       //implemented by the persistence manager
> >       public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);
> > }
> >
> > What if I wanted to do something useful when the balance was
> > set? Say, I
> > wanted to add the account  to a list of surveilled accounts
> > if a negative
> > balance was set... it seems I cannot do that because the container
> > implements the setBalance() method for me. And I cannot just declare a
> > setBalance() method myself because I need the container's
> > implementation or
> > I will not be able to store the balance. Hmmmm... it seems
> > this is going to
> > leave me with something like
> >
> > public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
> >       public abstract Float getBalance();
> >       public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);
> >
> >       public void
> > setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
> > {
> >               //check if balance is negative and take action
> >               ...
> >               setBalance(balance);
> >       }
> > }
> >
> > Now I have _no_ guarantee that nobody will accidently call
> > the original
> > setBalance() method, thereby circumventing my little security
> > system, which
> > was supposed to check for a negative balance. But, hey, I
> > thought, then I
> > will just declare the original setBalance() as protected -
> > unfortunately
> > that is not allowed by the specification.
> >
> > I would r e a l l y like to hear from anybody who knows a
> > solution to this.
> > Any comments would be most welcomed.
> >
> > Randahl
> >
> >

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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