> Hi,
> What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
> Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company)
> are trying
> to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the
> usual:
>       cost
>       speed
>       flexibility
>       resource usage
>       debugging support from the IDE

you can pretty much use anu IDE you wish to employ for debuggin
if you use JDPA. i don't think orion is explicitly supported by
many IDEs, but if you start orion with something of the sort:

java -classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_
socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5000 -jar orion.jar

you can then attatch via any IDE that supports remote debugging.

for example, with JBuilder 4, you can:

        1. open the Run-Configurations menu
        2. edit a configuration
        3. click on the Debug tab
        4. clic the enable remote debugging checkbox

then start orion with the command line above, open the
source you wish to debug in JBuilder, and then run the
runtime configuration where you setup remote debugging. set
your breakpoints and debug away.

hope this helps.


Ted Rice
APAMA Ltd, 17 Millers Yard, Mill Lane
Cambridge CB2 1RQ, United Kingdom
Mobile: +44 (0)7899 876489
Phone:  +44 (0)1223 257973 [Histon Office]
Fax:    +44 (0)1223 518859

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