
I have tried putting the user into the principals.xml file, although the
eventual goal is to not use this file at all (provide custom groups from the
database via our UserManager). This does not seem to have any effect. I am
not currently using a login error page, but I am not that worried about the
login repetition for failure at the moment.

My main concern is what is failing in the process, since authenticate is
returning true from TMUser. There is presumably other code that I have to
modify to get this to work, any idea's would be appreciated. Thanks.

- Ernie

-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Subject: RE: Customer User Manager problems

have you got a login error page? that's why the three times,
also, if a user doesn't belong to a sr_guest group, you won't have access

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Customer User Manager problems
> I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to
> work. Here are the
> steps I have taken:
> Implemented User (as TMUser)
> Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
> Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)
> Added the following to orion-application.xml:
>       <user-manager class="com.trademotion.security.TMUserManager"/>
>       <namespace-access>
>               <read-access>
>               <namespace-resource root="">
>                       <security-role-mapping
> name="&lt;jndi-user-role&gt;">
>                               <group name="administrators" />
>                       </security-role-mapping>
>                       <security-role-mapping name="sr_guest">
>                               <group name="ug_default" />
>                       </security-role-mapping>
>               </namespace-resource>
>               </read-access>
>               <write-access>
>               <namespace-resource root="">
>                       <security-role-mapping
> name="&lt;jndi-user-role&gt;">
>                               <group name="administrators" />
>                       </security-role-mapping>
>                       <security-role-mapping name="sr_guest">
>                               <group name="ug_default" />
>                       </security-role-mapping>
>               </namespace-resource>
>               </write-access>
>       </namespace-access>
> Added the following to web.xml:
>       <security-constraint>
>               <web-resource-collection>
>                       <web-resource-name>Main</web-resource-name>
>                       <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>                       <url-pattern>/list.jsp</url-pattern>
>               </web-resource-collection>
>               <auth-constraint>
>                       <role-name>sr_guest</role-name>
>               </auth-constraint>
>       </security-constraint>
>       <login-config>
>               <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
>               <realm-name>TM</realm-name>
>       </login-config>
>       <security-role>
>               <role-name>sr_guest</role-name>
>       </security-role>
> Here is the result:
> 1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
> 2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops the basic
> authentication dialog. I enter username and password.
> TMUserManager.getUser
> is called.
> TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
> 3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3
> times then
> fails.
> Any idea what I am missing here? I feel I have missed
> something basic, but
> can't put
> my finger on it. TIA,
> - Ernie

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