Hello Vaskin,

Thursday, February 22, 2001, 3:39:33 PM, you wrote:

VK> I keep getting internal server errors (HTTP 500), where do I go to debug
VK> this? Which log file has this stuff?  I need a stacktrace! It's not popping up on 
the console, and I couldn't find it in any of the obvious .log files.

VK> Thanks in advance...

Try in
For example:
If orion is installed at /usr/bin/orion and your applications
is named BogusApp, the log is in


There you can find every error thrown by your app.

or you can tweak orion-application.xml in the same dir, under the
<log> flag to specify some other file, even configure your app to send
you an email in case of exceptions.

Best regards,
 Rafael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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