>From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Question A: Are the ones of you who are using CMP 2.0 using 
>version 1.4.4,
>1.4.5 or 1.4.7 of Orion?

I'm using 1.4.5 because 1.4.7 introduced a showstopper bug for me (fixed
in 1.4.8, whenver that happens).  Bug #296.

>Question B: When _you_ use the uni-directional 
>relationship-features does
>that make Orion create a seperate table for the relation or is the
>relationship stored as a serialized collection attribute (in 
>the 1:N case,
>of course)?

It depends on how you set the visibility.  If you put the unidirectional
relationship on the 1: side, a separate relationship table is created.
If you put the unidirectional relationship on the :N side, a column is
created in the N table.

>Question C: Would you mind posting an example of a unidirectional
>ejb-relation declaration that you have made work. Preferably 
>both a 1:N and
>1:1 relationship.

I couple weeks ago I posted some examples of "modern" ant buildfiles
which included a small test project you will probably find helpful:


This is the project I've been using to probe the rough spots of Orion.
It currently is set up for a bidirectional 1:N relationship between two
entities (Foo and Bar).  Changing it to unidirectional should be

>A think the ideas behind CMP 2.0 are absolute magnificent, but 
>gee, it has
>been a hard struggle for me to make it work on Orion :) . 
>Often when I test
>my new CMP 2.0 application Orion simply just crashes - no 
>error messages,
>nothing, it just closes. - I think I am starting to understand 
>what was ment
>with "CMP 2.0 preview" as it says on the web site (LOL).

It works.  I had a rough time when I started too, but mostly because the
only documentation for EJB2.0 was (and probably still is) the spec.  My
most perverse case is a bean whose PK is a compound of two CMR fields,
and it works just fine.

To be honest, and I think this is a common complaint with entity beans -
if I had simply used JDBC in session beans, I would have been done a
long, long time ago.  And the app would probably perform an order of
magnitude faster.  I cringe when I see the blizzard of select statements
issued by a finder method.


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