dear all,
i've had a go at setting up load balancing and it's half working.
i don't know what's registering with the load balancer for the first server mentioned in the message below. the second server mentioned is the one i configured.
anyone have a rough guess about what i might have done to cause the first server to be appearing.
when i open pages on the site, the load balancer finds invalid, then removes it from the cluster, but then about 5 seconds later it re-adds it back in.
F:\orion>java -jar -debug loadbalancer.jar
Balancer initialized...
Added island number 1 to the cluster...
Discovered server    <= where's this coming from?
Discovered server PIII-450/    <= this is ok.
from default-web-site.xml
<web-site cluster-island="1" host="" port="8080" display-name="Default Orion WebSite">
    <frontend host="" port="80"/>
    <web-app application="demo" name="person-web" root="/person" load-on-startup="true"/>
    <!-- etc, etc, -->

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