> Hi Peter!
> As I'm not sure if you are on the mailing list (orion) and it was a while
> ago I posted my question, I send this question privately. I hope that this
> will not disturb you.
> Anyway, I succeeded in making relation between jars, but not between ears.
> As I understood it, by your reply, you have succeeded with this. I would
> grateful if you could send me an example, the ejb-jar.xml, on this.
> Best regards
> /Theis Meggerle

Sorry, we haven't created any CMRs between components in different
applications. I seriously doubt whether this is possible. For one thing,
both components participating in the relationship would have to be deployed
into the same container for a relationship to be container-managed. It would
be impossible to guarantee this if they were in two different J2EE

The real question is: Why would you feel the need to have a CMR between two
components in different applications? I think your architecture could
benefit from a re-assessment in this case.

P. Pontbriand
Canlink Interactive Technologies Inc.

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