I have an ejb application running under orion.  I want to restructure
the code so that some common code is put into a jar.  The problem is
that I can't figure out a way, short of putting the jar in the orion/lib
directory, to make the contents of the jar available to the ejb side of
the application.  The EJB-2.0-pfd spec says:

    The ejb-jar file must also contain, either by inclusion or
    by reference, the class files for all the classes and interfaces
    that each enterprise bean class and the remote and home interfaces
    depend on, except J2EE and J2SE classes. (page 486)

Well, what does 'reference' mean?  The only hint I have found is:

    An ejb-jar file does not have to physically include the class files
    if the classes are defined in another jar file that is named in the
    Class-Path attribute in the Manifest file of the referencing ejb-jar
    file or in the transitive closure of such Class-Path references.
    (page 487)

Well, I'm going to try creating a manifest file with a Class-Path in it,
but since I'm running out of a directory, not an actual ejb-jar file,
I really doubt this is going to work!

Any hints would be greatly appreciated...


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