Orion crashed under load testHi Eyal,

we've put Orion 1.4.7 here under a 1-cpu stress test (80 concurrent requests
of type JSP(1)->EJB(1)->EJB(n)->DB(n)) and it was ok. Win2k and JDK1.3. It
reached a throughput of 200 transactions per second (466 MHz Celeron with
Firebird/Interbase). Latency then went up to about 4 seconds per

It is reported that JBuilder debugging is unstable with IBM JDK under Linux
but not Sun's JDK. Therefore, I speculate that you crosscheck with Sun's


----- Original Message -----
From: Eyal Litman (Kamoon IL)

I load tested orion under linux red hat 7 and IBM 1.3 JDK.
Orion crashed after few minutes of "easy" load.
Does anybody had some similar problems ?
Could IBM 1.3 JDK could be the cause ?
Thanks in advance,
Eyal Litman
Server Side Team, Kamoon Ltd.

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