
I guess the first question is why are you trying to do this? The web-site is 
associated with a distinct web site. If you have multiple applications you want under 
the same web site, ie, then you just make multiple applications in the 
web-site file that points its host to If you want 2 distinct websites, 
ie and, then you make 2 separate web-site.xml files and point 
the host of each one to these separate URLs. 

Jeff Hubbach

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 09:22:51 +1000
"Greg Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>dear all,
>i've been trying to run multiple copies of an application
>with each copy having its own config\<appname>-web-site.xml file.
>what's the significance of doing this? do i require a network card
>for each app that i want to run this way?
>i can run multiple apps in they're all configured in the default-web-site.xml
>file but not when each app has it's own web-site.xml file.
>i believe this has something to do with the "host" attribute within
>the <web-site> element, but don't know what to change it to.
>i've read the various faqs on orionserver and orionsupport, and
>read the virtual-hosts faq, but not had any success.

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