dear all,
what's the standard way to structure an app where some pages are non-secure and other are secure?
i can set up a secure site, and redirect from the non-secure site to the secure site, and wondered what the best way is to transfer context to the secure site to continue processing.
non-secure => search for products
non-secure => add products to cart
non-secure => press checkout, write cart details to database
non-secure => redirect to secure-site sending cart number
secure      => get user to login again
secure      => reload cart details from database
secure      => verify shipping address
secure      => process credit card through payment gateway
secure      => redirect back to non-secure site
this would also involve duplicating a lot of the code between the applications that would run in the secure and non-secure sites, like code to read/write cart contents, read/write user details for login.
is there a better way?
are they any pitfalls i've missed?

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