Having set up Apache as a front end to Orion, as specked in OrionSupport, I
have a virtual host set up like this:

<VirtualHost www.frontend.com:80 <http://www.frontend.com/> >
    ProxyVia On
    ProxyPass /myapp http://rearend:8080/myapp <http://rearend:8080/myapp> 
    ProxyPassReverse /myapp http://rearend:8080/myapp

In Orion web-site.xml  I have:
<frontend host="www.frontend.com <http://www.frontend.com/> " port="80" />

Orion is running on a different machine and all is well until;

String theUrl = "/somewhere.jsp"

This will now change the url from http://www.frontend.com/myapp
<http://www.frontend.com/myapp>  to http://rearend:8080/myapp
<http://rearend:8080/myapp>  which loses my session.

How do I stop the sendRedirect prefixing the URL.



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