Once again since my yesterdays posting seems to be lost:

Hi Orion Masters,

When I put line:
into my servlet's doGet method, I don't get response from the servlet.
Moreover, Orion starts consuming ~100% of CPU until restarted.
When I use:
I get the response, but naturally without my national charset.
The problem occurs on 1.4.5, I didn't have it on 1.2.9.
JSP encoding works fine. When I get its java code and put it as servlet, it
works too.
If I change my servlet to extend
com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage instead of HttpServlet (and
change doGet to _jspService, and so) it starts working, but it is not
solution I would accept.
So how can I have charset definition in servlets working?
Thanks in advance,

p.s. If it helps, I have Orion on NT Workstation installed.

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