Title: Customizing the web authentication service
my passwords in the database are encrypted by a one way hash algorithm so I don't think this DataSourceUserManager will do all that I want.
I have found and read the thread on "Custom UserManager" in this list and have deciphered the hard truth that I will have to implement my own UserManager... RoleManager... User etc....
From this and other threads on similar topics I have also concluded that there is no J2EE standard for defining and using your own Authentication module. Is someone able to confirm this for me with certainty?
-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Rydin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 5:51 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: SV: Customizing the web authentication service

Take a look at
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Ben Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 18 mars 2001 20:00
Till: Orion-Interest
Ämne: Customizing the web authentication service


I'm trying to do something simple but I'm frustrated by my lack of success in finding information about it. I have scoured the list, the web, J2EE doco and would appreciate any information that may help me. Thanks in advance.

I'm running a J2EE application in orion using form based authentication. The problem is that users are authenticated by the webserver according to the contents of the principals.xml file for my application. In my application users (including username & password) are stored in the database and I don't want to use the principals.xml file to store all my user logins.

What I want is for the webserver to call my own custom authentication method to authenticate the user and let me decide if the login is valid or not and set the appropriate user principal in the session if it is valid. I'm sure this has been done a million times... I must be looking in the wrong places...

Thanks again,

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