
Can anyone give me a pointer on how I might successfully lookup an EJB from
within another EJB in a different application (both in Orion)?

Here's the scenario:
Application 'two'-> EJB TwoBean looks up -> Application 'one'-> EJB OneBean

Make sense?

Now, java:comp/env/One and java:comp/env/Two both work from external
clients.  But TwoBean cannot see OneBean.  I've tried using hard-coded
jndi.properties, a jndi.property file, and 1500 (or so)variations on the
names of the beans.

I've got an <ejb-ref> entry in my ejb-jar.xml for application 'two,' but the
kicker seems to be that no matter what I do to the properties, the result of
printing the list from TwoBean shows:
-->java:comp: javax.naming.Context
-->Two: TwoHome

I'm setting the jndi.properties to look for ormi:localhost/one... but that's
not happening.  So, the short version is:
How can I look up a bean in one application's EJB under Orion from another
application's EJB?  Is there any way to "step outside" an application's JNDI
naming context?


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