Hello, all.

I posted 1 month ago today pleading for information on EJB Clustering
in Orion... otherwise my company was moving on to another app server.

My original message is here:

Well we moved on (to WebLogic -yuch) but I've kept my tabs on the
mailing list, in hope of a progression.

Magnus wrote the following in reply:

And he mentions an EJB Clustering HOWTO -- or something along those
lines... to be released in "roughly a week or so"...

I have to admit that I smirked when I originally read that estimate..
because that was the same thing said for the ORIGINAL Clustering
document that I (and Kevin Duffey) repeatedly requested. Weeks turned
into months.

But I'm curious, what is the status on this? What's the latest ETA on
the new and improved clustering HOWTO?

WebLogic is giving us Headaches, and we want to come home ;)

Dylan Parker

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