
Why run an instance of orion per client you are serving? I'm looking to 
host an applications for a number of clients too, but I'm looking into 
another route.

We plan to 'copy' the applications and run them from one server-instance. 
Guess for resource usage we are better off, just copying the applications 
and have your clients served by one orion instance. Clients would connect 
like // or something like that.

Additionally you can (on UNIX/LINUX) soft-link the original application.ear 
instead of copying it.

As long as you write the apps for the server, things should be secure in 
this setup.


On Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:45 AM, Greg Matthews 
> dear all,
> is there a way to get the server.xml defined <application> "name" 
> after following a previous post, i can get the application.xml 
> value but this is not quite what i need.
> the plan is to be able to deploy multiple copies of the same application
> for different clients, and have an initServlet read in the application 
> to determine where the config files live.
> e.g. client1 => read in \\someMachine\config\client1\config.xml
>        client2 => read in \\someMachine\config\client2\config.xml
> this way, if i have to cluster client1, then there's only ever a single
> copy of their config information on the network and i don't have to
> duplicate it per orion installation.
> i'm also thinking of putting the web-site.xml files for each client
> in their own config directory to further reduce duplication of
> config details that would appear if you do clustering.
> i'd also like to avoid having to alter servlet initialisation parameters
> or anything in application.xml when deploying the app for a new
> client, but would consider these as a last resort.
> thanks,
> greg.
>  << File: ATT00005.html >> 

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