Dear all,
By following some code in a previous post i can get a reference to an Administrator object
which lets me do things like get the application.xml <display-name>.
ApplicationAdministrator admin = (ApplicationAdministrator)ctx.lookup("java:comp/Administrator");
System.out.println( admin.getDisplayName());
Does anyone know what other Orion objects are available to bind to?
As an aside, if i try to iterate through the object under java:comp with a NamingIterator i
only get the following, which is strange because i was expecting to see Administrator there (?)
UserTransaction: com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransactionManager
Logger: com.evermind.util.CollectionLogger
UserManager: com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager
env: com.evermind.naming.j_
ThreadPool: com.evermind.server.he

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