I'm trying to connect to a JMS queue from a stateless session bean.

I got the feeling I am missing something, I get a
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jms/SyncQueue not found

Here is what I have,

my jms.xml has an entry like this:

        <jms-server port="9127">
                <!--I tried with or without this queue-connection-factory, same
                <queue-connection-factory location="jms/QueueConnectionFactory" />
                <queue name="syncqueue" location="jms/SyncQueue">
                        <description>Some queue for testing</description>

my ejb-jar.xml session bean has the following:


And the code in my session bean is as follow:

        context = new InitialContext();
        QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory =


          /* The line below throws the javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:
jms/SyncQueue not found */

        Queue syncQueue = (Queue)

I must be blind to something, what am I doing wrong ?


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