Hi all.

I've been having a number of problems with hot deployment ever since I 
started using orion, and I wondered if anyone could shed any light?

Typically it happens when I change an interface rather than just internal 
bean logic or code: orion says it is redeploying whatever-xyz.jar, but will 
complain that:

- A cmp-field is missing (that I have removed from both the bean and the 
- A method doesn't exist (that I have just added to both the bean and the 
remote i/f)
- etc.

All the messages I get seem to come down to a conflict between some cached 
version of the bean and the new version.  If I shut down and restart orion, 
all the problems go away and it deploys the new version fine.

This hasn't been a problem during development, but I'm concerned that I 
might be doing something wrong, and obviously once the system goes live I 
can't just stop and restart the server when I deploy changes, so what's the 
Right Way to redeploy a session or entity bean into a running server and 
tell orion to forget everything it knew about the previous version?

(I'm running 1.4.7 on Sun's jdk1.3 on Windows 2000 if it makes any difference.)


Dan North
VP Development  -  Cadrion Software Ltd  -  +44 (0)20 7440 9550

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